Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Changing Lives

I have always entertained the idea of blogging. Obviously I have this little ole blog, but I also have started many more in the past. I always get so wrapped up in what I think it shoild be and give up.

I try to find a voice, but feel like mine isn't good enough then everything I post seems insincere.

I see Mommy bloggers doing reviews and giveaways, but I don't have that type of audience.

I see teachers with amazing units, resources,  and use of technology and I feel too inadequate and inexperienced.

I see amazingly editted photos, and I fear the work.

THEN I read a simple post from a blogger whom I admire and my mood is changed.

I'm inspired.

Its nothing eloquent,  she simply stated what was on her heart. Real world. Just like talking to a friend.

There is so much pressure to put you best out for the world to see that it belittles the real life we are living.

I want to put myself out there in hopes that I can wrote a relatable post that catches the eye and heart of someone on a bad day at a bad time and makes them smile.

I may not have an immaculately designed layout or a creative title but I hope to have raw honesty and openness that can bring people together.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

6 weeks

Baby Collin you are changing so much. Not just in size and looks, but your little personality is starting to shine through.
You've become quite the ham. You love to lay on the changing table and play. You love to smile and coo when people talk to you.
Things to remember:
-you've gotten into a pretty good sleep schedule. 
When you get tired you start rubbing your face on my shoulder and you still have to be rocked to sleep.

 - you put on a show every Friday morning when your daddy is home with you. The two of you laugh, smile,  and play all morning long
- you love bath time. I think you would stay in the tub all night if we let you
- you went to church for the first time this week

Saturday, August 10, 2013

One Month

Being his first month a lot has happened for Collin.  A lot of memories have been made and many changes have happened in such a short time.  
Weeks 1-3 were all pretty much the same: HE Cried.
Simple as that Baby Collin was quite fussy, but around week 4 he started adjusting to this new world and calming down.  Most of the stats apply to the Last week or so of his first month. 
Well we certainly have been blessed with a healthy little boy. We did find out that he will have to have some minor surgery at the end of the year but nothing major.  
First step in sleeping has to be a good swaddle. Typical new baby sleep. Lately he has been sleeping one long stretch at night around 6 hours, waking up to eat then sleeping until 6:30-7:00, then up for the day by around 8:30-9:00 at the latest.  He usually takes one 2.5-3 hour nap in the afternoon and little cat naps the rest of the day.  He will not go to sleep anywhere but in the bedroom recliner if I am holding him, but he will for anyone else. When he is sleeping really well he puts his feet sole to sole which has earned him the nickname Frog Legs from his Papa.

Still wearing newborn clothes, but they are getting a little short.  Funny to think that the week before he was born I went out frantically shopping for newborn clothes JUST IN CASE. Good thing I did or little it would be wearing the same clothes everyday. 
As of his one month checkup on 8/8/13
Weight: 10 lbs 1 oz (47th %ile)
Length: 22.5 inches (73rd %ile)

As Lexie predicted we have an eater on our hands.  He is now eating 7-9 times a day.  When taking a bottle he is up to 3.5-4 oz at a time.  

-In the last week he has started to really interact. He LOVES playing Pat A Cake 
-being outside
-listening to the lawnmower and other loud noises
-his bouncy seat
-bath time
- ceiling fans 

-going to sleep
-being patient

things to remember
-TEMPER is an understatement: he pitches fits like no other and can go from perfectly happy to screaming uncontrollably in second flat.  
-He will instantly calm down at the sound of a hair dryer. We even use an app in the car and on the go to soothe him.
-kissing the air when he finishes a bottle like it is the greatest thing that has ever happened
-loves to have staring contests with everyone
-holds his head up like a champ
-when laying on the changing table he will stare at the picture of his name and coo 
- he loves his Daddy, a true Daddy's boy already

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Three weeks

Well this week started off with a bang. Mastitis thar is. Woke up with a fever of 101 and felt like I had been ran over.  Luckily Emily had spent the night so o passed off the baby and started calling the doctors office.  I was exhausted and the last thing I wanted to do wad drag him to a waiting roon for hours for the second day in a row so he stayed home with Emily.  I was definitely relieved to have so much help until I got to feeling better. The antibiotics are not going so well for little buddy. He already has a sensitive stomach and they certainly did not help matters any.  He has finally gained back to birth weight and then some so we are now more relaxed about him sleeping longer at night.  He is starting to sleep one long stretch of 4-4.5 hours and night and about a 3-3.5 hour nap in the middle of the day which is wonderful. He made his 2nd trip to Alabama this week and did wonderful.   This week Collin went on his first outing for dinner at the Mexican restaurant.  We also went to the park for a walk on evening. Of course he slept most of the time but it was nice to get out and not be going to the doctor. 

Being rocked to sleep
Stroller rides to the pond
Riding in the car
Ceiling fans
Staring at the lamp
Sticking out his tongue
Sleeping with the fan on

Quiet rooms
Going to sleep

8lbs 14 oz
21.5 inches
His hair is still growing and appears to be blond and curly.
Collin is eating like a champ and loves it when his Daddy gives him a bottle.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Two weeks

I know everyone says it but I cannot believe how fast time is flying by.  Our seco d week has been one of adjustment for sure.  We are finally learning our little buddy more and more each day.  This week we had a rough night full of inconsolable crying with a check up the next morning.   Come to find out it was just a growth spurt and poor thing was just starving! He was 8lbs 4 oz at his one week check up and was still the same the first time he was weighed this week but it was a fluke. He was 8 lbs. 13 oz when he was weighed again as we were leaving.  21.5 inches long and still hates being at the doctor.  He is becoming more alert each day and loves to be talked to.  Collin is such a cuddler and hates being put down. 
Riding in the car
Being talked to
Bouncy seat
Bath time
Playing frog jumps with Daddy

Being changed
Being put down
The sun in his eyes

Friday, July 12, 2013

One week

We are getting to know this little guy and learn him more every day.  Our first night in the hospital was relatively painless we were on cloud 9 and ready to tackle the world. He was still a little sleepy but ate, peed, and pooped like a champ. We passed him back and forth all night but did let him sleep in the bassinet for a little while. Day 2 we had a few visitors but a smooth day. We finally got to come home on the 4th of July. My absolute favorite day of the year and our 3 year Engagaversary. It was a rainy cloudy week which made it easy for us to relax. Lots of family came to visit. Collin loved the car ride home and we settled right in. On Friday we had to go back in for a check up. This little fellow is NOT  a fan of the doctor for sure. Everything looked good and we all came home for some good naps.  We are definitely having to adjust to a new normal. Since we've been married Scotty and I have always gone to bed and gotten up together regardless of what needed to be done or how tired we are. I can forsee that being change number 1.  Scotty is such a wonderful Daddy and husband. Even when I get up to feed Collin, Scotty is right by my side to burp, change, and rock him back to sleep. He's always making sure I have a drink, boppy and anything else I might need. 

Collin likes:
being swaddled
Soothie pacifiers
Gas drops
Being held while sleeping

Collin dislikes:
being changed
Anything being in his diaper
Being laid down

Birth Story

I was restless all night and morning on Sunday.  It was his due date and I think I was just antsy.  I was having contractions on and off all through the morning so we decided to stay home instead of going to church just in case. Well it was an uneventful day full of sporadic contractions and naps.  Monday, July 1st I had planned on going to Rainsville to help Emily with a few projects she had planned and to just get out of the house and visit for a little while.  I was feeling great but just a little off for lack of a better description.  Again contractions were on and off and not painful.  I broke into a cleaning spree and told Emily I was just going to stay at home again just in case.  Our house is already 30 minutes from the hospital and I didn't really want to venture much further.  Monday night Scotty and I made a few last minute preparations, I had said all along that he would either come June 27th or July 2nd, so I was really hoping July 2nd would be the day.  I was restless all night and finally woke up around 4:00 with painful consistent contractions.  Up until this point my contractions had not been really painful, just a little uncomfortable, so this was exciting to me.  Knowing Scotty had to go to work I decided to go ahead and wake him up around 430 to see if he thought he should stay home with me.  During this time we started to see blood, which was exciting to me because I knew it meant things were moving along.  I think it was scary to Scotty even though I kept assuring him that it was normal.  Contractions continued to be consistent so I had Scotty go ahead and get ready for work while I walked, drank water, and moved around to make sure they were the real thing.  At 5:30 Scotty insisted we needed to go to the hospital so I went ahead and took a shower and got ready. On the way out the door I had Scotty take one last picture, as soon as he did I stepped off the steps and twisted my ankle, that pain definitely distracted me from my contractions for a while.  I was not about to go to the hospital with an empty stomach so we swung by Hardee's on the way.  Contractions certainly picked up in pain and frequency on the way in.  They were 4 minutes apart and lasting around a minute each when we got to the hospital.  We called the grandparents on the way and let them know that we had headed in and would call if they decided to keep me.  I was anxious because I really didn't want to be sent back home.  
We signed in at the hospital at exactly 7:00, right at shift change.  I was taken straight back to triage. 
I was still comfortable but contractions were consistent and strong, at 7:40 I was admitted and over the moon excited. Scotty was elated to say the least, it was really happening! 

At 8:20 they came in to move me to a room, when she had me stand up to walk down the hallway my water broke! I stood up and said "Uh-oh" the nurse and Scotty looked so confused then I said it again, followed by "Um, I am pretty sure my water just broke" Sure enough it had and I was dilated to 4 cm.
Got to the room and got settled and the family started rolling in. 
We were having a good time and just resting. I was trying to hold out on an epidural as long as I could and was pleasantly surprised at how well I was doing.

I was checked at 11:40, and had not dilated any further and contractions were becoming sporadic, so it was decided to start a low dose of Pitocin.  As soon as the word Pitocin was mentioned I decided it was time for the epidural, I certainly didn't want to wait through those contractions and I'm glad I got it when I did. Had to try 3 times to get the epidural in and it was the most painful part of the day for me.  After getting all settled in I was checked again, 5 cm, 80% Station -1.  Dr. noticed that my water hadn't completely broken the first time and decided to further tear the bag, said it was the most fluid she had ever seen especially since it initially started at 8:20 that morning.   Contractions got back on track and intensified.
Around 3:00 I decided to take a nap and rest for a while since things were moving slowly.  I was checked again shortly there after, still at 5 cm, when the nurse came in to up the Pitocin she noticed some irregular heart rhythms and had me lay on my side, but it continued so we tried the other side.  She decided to check me once more before she changed anything, this was less than 10 minutes from the last time I was checked.  I was a 10! At this point things got exciting! Scotty came in during this time and had no clue what was going on, but realized very quickly!  I needed some iv antibiotics before delivery and had not had enough of them yet, so my doctor had me rest while we waited for me to receive the full dosage.

 At 5:30 I started pushing. My doctor is quite the comedian and my nurse was very entertaining as well.  There was more laughing going on than anyone can imagine. Initially I just wanted it to be Scotty and I and Emily there to take pictures, since I was comfortable and things were going smoothly my mom, MIL, and grandmother all stayed as well.  They all took turns being leg holders and counting.  Pushing went smoothly and I never made a sound other than to laugh. 

At 6:48 Collin Reid Brown came roaring into the world.  He had a little difficulty with a stuck shoulder and having the cord wrapped around his neck, but my team kept me calm and focused and handled it well.  He was placed directly on my stomach and I got to see Scotty cut the cord, which he said he didn't think he would do.  We got to spend the next hour together just us then the families came in to visit. It was certainly a magical afternoon.

Monday, July 1, 2013


Its July! How on Earth did that happen? Mother's intuition;  a hunch, a feeling call it what you will but I never expected baby boy to come in June. I've felt all along July was for him. And apparently I was right.  Yesterday was his due date. Scotty and I talked forever about how we cannot believe the day has finally come and gone. It is certainly surreal.  I take a little longer to adhust to change, and I still don't think I've realized that any day now there will be an addition to our little family. I don't think any amount of talking, imagining,  or preparing can help other than holding this sweet baby for real.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

37 weeks

About the baby?
Growing, growing, growing
Maternity Clothes?
I'm now confined to a rotation of very few cotton dresses.  Comfort trumps everything now that its in the high 80s-90s everyday.
Stretch Marks?
  Apparently the stretch mark fairy decided to visit in my sleep. They're very light and very low but still there. 
Not Happy.
Snake, snails, and puppy dog tails.
  He is really loving to roll back and forth. He is definitely running out of room for much more.
Getting better.  
Food Cravings?  
Anything sweet.  I need dessert after breakfast.
What I Miss?
Sleeping on my stomach and being able to get up out of the floor on my own.
  I can pretty much count on a good 20-45 minutes of contractions every morning and night.  
Oh goodness the hot flashes. 
Best Moment This Week? 
Finishing the nursery
First trip to L&D. Barely dilated, but consistent contractions.
Scotty getting ridiculously excited about his baby boy.
Looking Forward To?
We are 2 weeks away from our due date, it seems completely unreal!

Monday, June 10, 2013

36 weeks

About the baby?
No ultrasound this week but looking at over 6.5 lbs as of now. 
Maternity Clothes?
Nah... I am perfectly content in throwing on a knit dress and being happy.
Stretch Marks?
  Still not seeing any, but they could be lurking somewhere. 
Better be a Boy
  He really loves to move late at night when Scotty talks to him, or anytime Bama gets too close. 
Yuck! I'm too hot to sleep.  
Food Cravings?  
Anything sweet.  I need dessert after breakfast.
What I Miss?
Freezing all the time.  I stayed cold for the first 30 weeks, normal for about 5 weeks, and now that summer, humidity, and the extra pounds have all been packed on, I am a true Hot Mess.  
  I can pretty much count on a good 20-45 minutes of contractions every morning and night.  
Best Moment This Week? 
Setting a closing date for our new house!
Moving things into the new house 
FINALLY getting to put together his things.  We're still a long way from finished but everything is planned out and started. 
Scotty getting ridiculously excited about his baby boy.
Looking Forward To?
Moving into our new house.
Getting Collin's nursery set up.

35 Weeks

About the baby?
According to our last ultrasound he's looking to be around 6 lbs already! I know the estimate can be way off but looks like a big, healthy baby as of now.
Maternity Clothes?
Nah... I am perfectly content in throwing on a knit dress and being happy.
Stretch Marks?
  Yay! Still celebrating their absence.
Better be a Boy
  He still is moving like a champ, but its starting to slow down.  Now there is more rolling and less full blown kicks.  Little guy is getting cramped.
  I have officially gotten to the point where I cannot possibly stay asleep all night.  Still only making one bathroom visit, but just overall restless. 
Food Cravings?  
None really, getting full too fast to think about food.
What I Miss?
Laying on my stomach I KNOW I could sleep better/ be comfortable 
 Oh Braxton Hicks 
Best Moment This Week? 
Weekly appointments have started!
Looking Forward To?
Moving into our new house.
Getting Collin's nursery set up.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

34 weeks

About the baby?
Approximately 18 inches and over 4.5 lbs.  I'm amazed at how he can still move so much.
Maternity Clothes?
Too hot.  Now that I don't have to wear "real" clothes on a daily basis, throw me a maxi dress or a long tshirt and I am happy.
Stretch Marks?
  Yay! Still celebrating their absence.
We are surrounded by blue
  He still is moving like a champ, but its starting to slow down.  Now there is more rolling and less full blown kicks.  Little guy is getting cramped.
  Little for me, none for Scotty. I am just restless
Food Cravings?  
None really, getting full too fast to think about food.
What I Miss? 
 Getting out of bed without it taking a heroic effort
Starting to get a little achy all over, and just feeling "off" in general.
I now develop a nice little rash on my neck after being in the sun.  
Best Moment This Week? 
Looking through all his things as we moved a few things into the garage at the new house. 
Washing tiny socks all week. 
Looking Forward To?
Moving into our new house.
Getting Collin's nursery set up.
Ultrasound on Thursday! I am so ready to see him!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

33 weeks

About the baby?
Approximately a 17 inch, roughly 4 lb Pineapple.  I'm amazed at how he can still move so much.
Maternity Clothes?
Eh, I'm over maternity clothes for the most part.  Bella Band yes please, otherwise just leave me with some cool comfortable dresses.
Stretch Marks?
  Yay! Still celebrating their absence.
We are surrounded by blue
  Goodness gracious he is all over the place. ALL THE TIME
  Okay. Getting restless and waking up several times a night.
Food Cravings?  
None really, getting full too fast to think about food.
What I Miss? 
 Getting out of bed without it taking a heroic effort
Starting to get a little achy all over, and just feeling "off" in general.
Best Moment This Week? 
This is bittersweet but this was my last week of teaching before taking leave.  We also packed up and moved states.  So I had to say goodbye to my students, prepare a sub for 3 weeks, pack up our house, and move move 8 hours away the next day.  Its a bit much for a hormonal mama to take all at once.  I certainly did not have time to process it all.  It is nice to be back home, but we still haven't closed on our house so I am living out of a suitcase at my in laws house.  We have stayed here plenty in the past 6 years, but it will definitely be a relief to have our own space and get ready for Baby Boy.
Looking Forward To?
Moving into our new house.
Getting Collin's nursery set up.
Growth Scan! I just need to see him again.
Adjusting to a new non-working, non-grad student life for a few weeks.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

32 Weeks

About the baby?Growing, growing, growing for sure.

Maternity Clothes?Some, as seasons change comfy dresses are my best friend.
Stretch Marks? No, but I have a full blown world map of varicose veins. 
Gender? Future Baseball Star

Movement? Constant. Doctor requested nightly kick counts, I'm thinking its more like I should be counting the times I don't feel movement. 
Sleep? Oh goodness. Restlessness has officially started.
Food Cravings? Krispy Kreme doughnuts, but I have resisted...so far. 

What I Miss? 
Laying on my stomach. I would be so much more comfortable.
Symptoms?Itchiness. BH Contractions, and Exhaustion has returned with a vengeance.

Best Moment This Week?  
Being home to meet our new doctor.
Getting ready for my last week of teaching before maternity leave. 
Watching our little boy roll around and put on a show everynight this week.
Finishing this semester of Grad School so I can focus on Baby Boy.

Looking Forward To?
No school and full blown baby preparations.
Closing on both of our houses.

Friday, May 3, 2013

30 weeks

About the baby? Almost 3lbs! 

Maternity Clothes?I'm still mixing it up. Maternity clothes are not meant for short people.
Stretch Marks? :) Still seeing none!
Gender?Mommy's Little Prince

Movement?  He has started some serious rolling. And a new favorite: digging into my right hip.
Hiccups galore!
Sleep? Like a rock and I cannot get enough. 
Food Cravings?Cherry Coke

What I Miss? 
Being able to focus on ANYTHING. Mommy brain is in full force.
Symptoms?Itchiness. BH Contractions, and Exhaustion has returned with a vengeance.

Best Moment This Week?  
Scotty flying in for my 30 week appointment.
Watching our little boy roll around and put on a show everynight this week.

Looking Forward To?
Scotty and I being in the same state again so he doesn't miss another minute of this time. 
Finishing the school year
Getting ready for our baby boy.

29 weeks

About the baby? 2.5 lbs. 

Maternity Clothes?still a nice mix of both thanks to the wonderful Bella Band.  
Dresses have been easier/ more comfortable for school now.
Stretch Marks? None that I can see!

Gender?snakes, snails, and puppy dog tails.

Movement?  Periods of movement are getting longer and longer.
He is moving more and more each week especially right before bedtime.

Sleep?  Still adjusting to not being able to toss and turn freely at night. 
Food Cravings? none,really.

What I Miss? 
Coffee, in large doses on Monday mornings/making it through the day without considering taking a nap under my desk.
Symptoms?Itchiness. BH Contractions, and Exhaustion has returned with a vengeance.

Best Moment This Week?  Feeling how much more active he is becoming. 

Finally looking pregnant.

Looking Forward To?
Our next appointment. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

28 Weeks

About the baby? 2.5 lbs. 

Maternity Clothes?still a nice mix of both thanks to the wonderful Bella Band.  
Dresses have been easier/ more comfortable for school now.
Stretch Marks? None that I can see!

Gender? boy

Movement?  ALL DAY LONG.  This has been by far our most active week. 
I can see him moving from the outside, which is still odd. He loves when I lay the phone on my belly while Scotty talks.  He will kick like crazy.

Sleep?  I'm finally paying for all the good sleep I have been getting.  I'm waking up all hours of the night now because I simply cannot turn over in my sleep anymore.
Food Cravings? none, but chocolate is becoming more of a daily staple food than it should.

What I Miss? 
Coffee, in large doses on Monday mornings/making it through the day without considering taking a nap under my desk.
Symptoms?Itchiness. BH Contractions, and Exhaustion has returned with a vengeance.

Best Moment This Week?  Feeling how much more active he is becoming. 
Ordering a few final items for his nursery.
Seeing the home that will be our first home together.

Looking Forward To?
-Starting our two week appointments, I cannot believe the time is here already. 
- Being in our new home together, getting ready for Mr. Collin.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

27 weeks

<p dir=ltr>Tons happened this week:<br>
Baby Collin had an amazing shower. <br>
We house hunted for his first home. Luckily we found a home that we love and the sellers accepted our offer so we are officially under contract.&nbsp; I know it isn't a done deal, but we're atleast we are much closer. I didn't realize just how much it had bothered me to not know where we would be bringing Collin home for the first time.  I've also been upset that everything baby is packed up instead of being spread across a nursery being set up. Thankfully we will be able to start his nursery soon and get everything ready. 
Baby Collin may have finally turned. My belly has made a dramatic appearance this week and he is kicking in new places everyday. 

Tomorrow is the dreaded glucose test I am hoping all goes well.

I cannot believe the 3rd trimester is officially here! Every day is flying by. I cannot wait to hold my precious baby boy,  but I hope he stays put for the long haul.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

26 weeks

We Collin has had quite a growth spurt this week for sure!
He is now stretching from one side to the other when he goes on his crazy wiggle and squirm sprees.
This week has been exciting to say the least, I have been in Alabama for Spring Break.  While here we have been looking at houses, finding a new doctor, and selling our house all at the same time.  Everytime we walk into a house our first thought is "How does this work for Collin?"  Our first shower is this weekend and we are both excited.  This is the first time we have seen many friends and family members since our wedding.

This week Alphamom has hit the nail on the head
Your Baby:
  • Hey! Remember when I told you your baby was as big as a gummy bear? Oh, about 19 or 20 weeks ago?
  • Now imagine a two-pound, 15-inch-long gummy bear. Yep.
  • Eyelids (which have been fused since 11 or 12 weeks) can now open and close.
  • Are officially in the third trimester! Feel free to celebrate/panic at will.
  • May notice more of that pesky round ligament pain as your belly gets harder and bigger and rounder, or as it starts to dip down a little bit, looking a little less perky and cute than it did a few weeks ago.
  • Depending on your baby’s position, the kicks and movements might be a little painful. Feet up under your ribcage, jabs to the cervix, random body parts of mystery poking you way off to the side, where you didn’t even think those little appendages were long enough to reach.
Glucose Screen Test
My glucose Screening is on Thursday at my 28 week appointment.  Saying that I dread it is an understatement.  I of course hope everything goes well for obvious reasons, but also so I do not have to go through a 3 hour screening too.

Traveling When Pregnant
My first flight went smoothly

25 weeks

Baby Collin--We finally got to see you again!
Collie boy is an active little booger these days.  He definitely has a schedule down at this point.  He loves to kick like crazy early in the mornings, followed by his tumbling act around 11:30 everyday.  As soon as I put my feet up around 5:30-6:00 he goes wild again, then around bed time he really gets going. The ultrasound confirms just how active he is. He was a hard one to catch. 
We did get plenty of clear pictures, I was astonished since we were a little early for a 3D ultrasound, but he was just chubby enough to see clearly. 

He obviously has Mommy's feet and smooshed nose, but Daddy's little rolled up chin. 

 We may even have a thumb sucker on our hands.

He loves to have his hands on his face and would not move them no matter how much we tried to coax him.
Seeing him and feeling him move at the same time made things REAL in a way I could not imagine.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

24 weeks

Boy oh Boy
We may have a feisty one on our hands for sure.
He may or may not have inherited that from Mommy.

We went for a check up on Thursday, he was NOT happy when trying to listen to his heartbeat.
We heard plenty of kicks and watched him little shoot from one side to the other. 
Finally, after a little hide and seek, the doctor decided his heart was just fine.  

Collin also scored an awesome toy for his room this weekend, from none other than Cracker Barrel. We fell in love with some old model airplane ride ons, but not so crazy about $100 for them. We turned the corner and found a sock monkey rocking horse instead, on clearance of course!

I have officially gotten to the full blown pregnancy symptoms stage.  Waking up all times of the night, having him camp out on my bladder, full blown exhaustion, and swelling like a balloon if it gets above 70.  I just have to laugh at myself and keep going. 

This week is going to be a trying one for us as a family.  Scotty took a new job that will move us home! FINALLY!! So far we have been beyond blessed. Everything has worked out beautifully.  The down side is, Scotty will be leaving on Monday to start his new job, and I will still be here. 26 weeks round. Alone.  It won't be too bad. I will be flying home for a Spring Break after only 4 days.  Then we will be back and forth, mom and Emily will be coming to stay too.  And I will get to move home at 34 weeks so it really won't be that long at all. I am thankful it has worked out so well.  I know I will be fine, but I hate that he will miss even a second of it all. 

Since he will be leaving on Monday, we decided to go ahead and schedule our 3D/4D ultrasound for this weekend so we could enjoy it together. I am super excited.  He didn't show off much at our 20 week ultrasound and we didn't get a good profile shot.  I have high hopes this time around, and I just love seeing him. Of Course.  The way he moves all day we may not get any good shots of him, but instead an action filled video.  

My shower is also coming up while I am at home for Spring Break, I am more excited than I thought I would be.  I guess since I haven't seen anyone it will be exciting to see everyone and have the shower.  I've also held off on shopping until we see what all we get so I will be given the green light to shop afterwards.