Wednesday, April 3, 2013

26 weeks

We Collin has had quite a growth spurt this week for sure!
He is now stretching from one side to the other when he goes on his crazy wiggle and squirm sprees.
This week has been exciting to say the least, I have been in Alabama for Spring Break.  While here we have been looking at houses, finding a new doctor, and selling our house all at the same time.  Everytime we walk into a house our first thought is "How does this work for Collin?"  Our first shower is this weekend and we are both excited.  This is the first time we have seen many friends and family members since our wedding.

This week Alphamom has hit the nail on the head
Your Baby:
  • Hey! Remember when I told you your baby was as big as a gummy bear? Oh, about 19 or 20 weeks ago?
  • Now imagine a two-pound, 15-inch-long gummy bear. Yep.
  • Eyelids (which have been fused since 11 or 12 weeks) can now open and close.
  • Are officially in the third trimester! Feel free to celebrate/panic at will.
  • May notice more of that pesky round ligament pain as your belly gets harder and bigger and rounder, or as it starts to dip down a little bit, looking a little less perky and cute than it did a few weeks ago.
  • Depending on your baby’s position, the kicks and movements might be a little painful. Feet up under your ribcage, jabs to the cervix, random body parts of mystery poking you way off to the side, where you didn’t even think those little appendages were long enough to reach.
Glucose Screen Test
My glucose Screening is on Thursday at my 28 week appointment.  Saying that I dread it is an understatement.  I of course hope everything goes well for obvious reasons, but also so I do not have to go through a 3 hour screening too.

Traveling When Pregnant
My first flight went smoothly

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