Saturday, August 10, 2013

One Month

Being his first month a lot has happened for Collin.  A lot of memories have been made and many changes have happened in such a short time.  
Weeks 1-3 were all pretty much the same: HE Cried.
Simple as that Baby Collin was quite fussy, but around week 4 he started adjusting to this new world and calming down.  Most of the stats apply to the Last week or so of his first month. 
Well we certainly have been blessed with a healthy little boy. We did find out that he will have to have some minor surgery at the end of the year but nothing major.  
First step in sleeping has to be a good swaddle. Typical new baby sleep. Lately he has been sleeping one long stretch at night around 6 hours, waking up to eat then sleeping until 6:30-7:00, then up for the day by around 8:30-9:00 at the latest.  He usually takes one 2.5-3 hour nap in the afternoon and little cat naps the rest of the day.  He will not go to sleep anywhere but in the bedroom recliner if I am holding him, but he will for anyone else. When he is sleeping really well he puts his feet sole to sole which has earned him the nickname Frog Legs from his Papa.

Still wearing newborn clothes, but they are getting a little short.  Funny to think that the week before he was born I went out frantically shopping for newborn clothes JUST IN CASE. Good thing I did or little it would be wearing the same clothes everyday. 
As of his one month checkup on 8/8/13
Weight: 10 lbs 1 oz (47th %ile)
Length: 22.5 inches (73rd %ile)

As Lexie predicted we have an eater on our hands.  He is now eating 7-9 times a day.  When taking a bottle he is up to 3.5-4 oz at a time.  

-In the last week he has started to really interact. He LOVES playing Pat A Cake 
-being outside
-listening to the lawnmower and other loud noises
-his bouncy seat
-bath time
- ceiling fans 

-going to sleep
-being patient

things to remember
-TEMPER is an understatement: he pitches fits like no other and can go from perfectly happy to screaming uncontrollably in second flat.  
-He will instantly calm down at the sound of a hair dryer. We even use an app in the car and on the go to soothe him.
-kissing the air when he finishes a bottle like it is the greatest thing that has ever happened
-loves to have staring contests with everyone
-holds his head up like a champ
-when laying on the changing table he will stare at the picture of his name and coo 
- he loves his Daddy, a true Daddy's boy already