Tuesday, February 12, 2013

19 weeks

How far along? 19 weeks (well technically 20 weeks, but I post about the past week) 
Maternity clothes? Getting much closer, one cupcake at a time.
Sleep: Still sleeping pretty well, except on the weekends.

Best moment this week: Finding out if we are Team Blue or Team Pink.
Miss Anything? Not at all. Well maybe coffee on a few of these sleeping mornings.

Movement:Baby is quite the mover and shaker these days.

Food cravings: Nothing in particular yet.

Anything making you queasy or sick: I've gotten over that for the most part, even starting to eat chicken again.

We can officially say: ITS A BOY!!

Labor Signs: 
 none for a while I hope

Belly Button in or out? 
In and stretching

Wedding rings on or off? On

 feeling really blessed right now.

Looking forward to:  
Buying Blue!

Alphamom says:

pregnancy calendarYour Baby:
  • Is about 5 1/2 to six inches long and weighs around 7 ounces.
  • Although your baby will weigh more than 15 times its current weight by the time it is born, the rapid-fire growth portion of pregnancy is over. Thus, I have nothing else interesting to say up here. Baby is fully assembled; just needs some fattening up and lengthening out.
  • May be able to feel your baby’s kicks from the outside of your belly, if you’re lucky. Jason felt his first kick last night, and it was pretty cool and rocking and all that. He only remembered the later, third-trimester wallops from last time — this was the first time we were able to catch one of the gentle, early kicks.
  • How are your moods doing? I’m not about to tell anyone what’s “normal” at this point, except to say that whatever you’re feeling? Whether it be fear or worry or impatience or rage or weepiness or ecstatic joy or maybe a combination of all of the above in the span of 10 minutes? Yep. It’s probably normal.
  • The moods are normal because things are probably becoming a whole lot more “real” right about now. The belly is undeniable, the movements are steady, perhaps you know whether it’s a boy or a girl and are deciding on names and picking out room decor. So maybe you ran out of the room crying during a movie where something bad happened to a small child. Or to an adult! Because THEY WERE SOMEONE’S BABY ONCE TOO! Congratulations! You’re officially bonding.


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

18 weeks

How far along? 18 weeks (well technically 19 weeks, but I post about the past week) 


Maternity clothes? Getting much closer, for sure. I am throwing in jeans every now and then.
Sleep: I know I will pay for this later, but I am getting some of the best sleep of my life right now.

Best moment this week: Feeling Baby Brown move like crazy.
Miss Anything? Not at all. Well maybe coffee on a few of these sleeping mornings.

Movement: Oh yes, I even felt a kick or flip from the outside on Wednesday 1-30 and a several today. Scotty still hasn't felt it because Baby likes to play opossum.

Food cravings: Nothing in particular yet.

Anything making you queasy or sick: I've gotten over that for the most part, even starting to eat chicken again.

6 days until we know if we are planning on Mr. C or Miss H

Labor Signs: 
 none for a while I hope

Belly Button in or out? 
In and stretching

Wedding rings on or off? On

 feeling really blessed right now.

Looking forward to:  
20 week appointment in less than one week!
Finally knowing. I feel like it will be so much more real then. 
Gender reveal video to share with friends and family. 

Alphamom says:
pregnancy calendarYour Baby:
  • Is about the size of a baked potato — five-and-a-half inches long.
  • Has actual cute little ears and working ear bones and can hear sounds through the amniotic fluid — similar to how things sound to you underwater.
  • Is moving, moving, moving. The baby is still small enough that you may not feel every kick and punch yet, but the movements will start getting less “bubble-like” and more “holy crap, that was totally a foot” pretty soon, if they aren’t already.